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Thinking of getting higher rate for your twitter page and want to increase your follower?? Then you are reading the right article as it shows you the 5 most innovative way to get it done!




  • Headlines with right key words

  • The power of a good headline lies in its ability to create magnetic attraction and to capture your follower’s imagination. It is a very important thing to consider because the users only take a split-second judgment about reading the content or leave it!

  • It should be short and very attractive. Many research showed that titles with eight words had about 21% higher click-through rates than average lengthy ones.

  • Headlines with a hyphen or colon in title — indicating a subtitle — results at an average 9% better click through rates than the one without headlines.

  • It should reflect the inner story.  So that when people use the Twitter search box to look for tweets in similar matter, your tweets shown up. It will increase your click through rates tremendously!


Hash tags

Twitter with one or two hash tag has near about 21% more engagement than the one without. But using more than 3 may result decrease in that growth. Actually sometimes people search for hashtags in the search bar, because hashtags may lead them to relevant tweets they are searching for. For example, if you’re tweeting anything in Twitter, you can use the hashtags #socialmedia, #sm, #twitter etc . In case of tweeting about copywriting, use the hashtags #writing or #marketing, etc.


Using hashtags makes a huge difference on your click through rate. A research study found that adding hashtags can make engagement on your tweet double.


Attracting pictures

Pictures attract people always.  As we are attracted to pictures in magazines and newspapers similarly, we are also magnetized to online pictures. The users of tweeter now do not have to click on separate image links. They have the option to view images directly in their feeds.

Thus your graphics and images should be interesting enough so that users will feel inclined to click on the content of yours. Some research showed that Thumbnails usually worked better than logos and may result of 27% increased click-through rates.

Participate in industry events

Most industries will conduct chats and conferences regularly related to the industry. Those usually accompanied by their own unique hashtags.  Try to Stay on top of the maximum industry events on Twitter, and engage in their discussion and include the hashtag in each post. It will boost the traffic in your site and also you earn more and more followers.


Connect account with other social account

You should link your different accounts with one another so that people following you in different accounts can find you on multiple networks and they can engage with you where it is most comfortable to them. If a potential facebook user sees that you’re on Twitter, it’s very much possible that he/she may check your profile and browse your timeline, this kind of potential activities will boost your click through rate on your tweets.


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